
National Immunization Awareness Month
As summer comes to an end and fall sneaks up on us all, I want to spend a little time talking about vaccinations. Whether your children are headed back to school, off to college, or it’s just another change of season for you and your family; it’s a time when

To Vape Or Not To Vape.. That Is The Question.
If you haven’t heard about it in the news yet, more and more cases of vape related lung injury (and even death) have been reported in 450 cases in 33 states (including Texas) in the last 90 days. For those of you who aren’t sure what “vaping” is, it is

Warning Signs of Depression
This month I thought I would spend a little time talking about mental health, in particular, depression. Depression is a common illness that affects about one in thirty adults in the United States, and the lifetime risk (the chance that any one of us may be clinically depressed at some

November is National Diabetes Month
With November being National Diabetes Month, it’s the perfect time to talk about things that every person with diabetes should do at least once a year. Some of these recommendations should be done more frequently if there are problems or changes in your health, but even when you are doing

The Importance of Diabetic Foot Exams
November is National Diabetes Month. As I mentioned in my last post, there are 4 things that need to be done at least yearly by every patient with diabetes. Today we are going to talk about the importance of a foot exam. Because even well controlled sugars stay above the

Accessing Healthcare During This Pandemic
Austin has started opening up more businesses and coming up with plans to keep the public safe, and the economy as healthy as possible. At Premier Family Physicians, we have tried throughout the pandemic to remain accessible to our patients, and we will continue to do our best to care

What We Know So Far… Part 3
What To Expect When You Are Covid Positive So, despite wearing a mask, washing your hands, and keeping your distance…you got COVID-19 anyway. The question often comes up “what’s going to happen to me?”, “What do I do?”, “How will I know if I have a problem?”. Because this is

What We Know So Far… Part 2
My last post was about wearing a mask and why it can help protect your family as well as how it can slow the pandemic. But what if that failed, and now someone in your home tests positive for COVID-19? Is it too late to worry about spreading the disease

What We Know So Far… Part 1
I thought it might be a good time to make a few posts about what we DO know with regard to the novel coronavirus and this pandemic we are facing. Let me say up front, there are still many things we do not know, and scientists are researching to find

COVID Vaccine: Facts and Myths (Part 2)
Last week we started looking at the COVID vaccines and some of the concerns that have been raised by my patients. I discussed how vaccines are made and specifically how an mRNA vaccine is made and works. Another question I have been asked is: “Do I need to get vaccinated,

COVID Vaccine: Facts and Myths (Part 1)
I know at this point, everyone is tired of covid and discussion about the vaccines but since there is still almost 50% of eligible persons not vaccinated, I wanted to help provide information to base your decision on. Over the next few weeks, I will be posting blogs based on

Monitoring Your Labs With Diabetes (Part 2)
Our final installment on diabetes is about the other lab work that is recommended for every patient with diabetes. Last time we talked about a urine test called microalbumin, and how it is often the first warning sign of kidney damage. The other way to check your kidneys is with

Monitoring Your Labs With Diabetes (Part 1)
For the next installment in this diabetes series, I would like to discuss the importance of lab monitoring. I will break it up between blood and urine tests because they can tell us different things about how your diabetes is affecting your body. However, both the blood and urine tests

American Heart Month
February is American Heart Month so I thought I would spend some time talking about the importance of heart health. This month I want to mention a “new” test, the coronary calcium score. It has actually been around for over a decade but has only been widely used for the

National Mental Health Awareness Month
With May being National Mental Awareness Month, I wanted to write a short post about mental health, depression in particular. During the pandemic, the number of people experiencing anxiety or depression has jumped dramatically over the last year. Between August 2020 and February 2021 the percentage of adults that reported

National Primary Care Week
In celebration of National Primary Care Week (Oct 4 – 8), three of our doctors received the honor of “Best Physicians” for providing exemplary health care to their senior patients. David Gabriel, MD, and Gurneet Kohli, MD were chosen out of a network of more than 1,000 independent primary care